“You kinda have to hitchhike to Amsterdam,” I reasoned to myself as I sat planning my route to Amsterdam from Brussels in the apartment of Enrique, my couch surf host. I felt that simply hopping on a train would not do, and I wanted to take advantage of Belgium and the Netherlands very friendly drivers. Legal in both countries, hitchhiking is a common practice in Belgium and the Netherlands. In fact, the Dutch even have allotted spaces on the sides of roads specifically designated for hitchers, known as the Liftpunt.
Secondly, I did not really want to arrive to Amsterdam via train. I guess my ol’ timey travel maxim –to travel is to work – crept into mind. I wanted some work before arriving in Amsterdam, I wanted to earn it. Perhaps the reason I had not been to Amsterdam earlier in the semester is because I did not just want to hop on a plane and go there for a weekend; that’s just seems like cheating.
So after the Champions League final, I planned my route, woke up early, and thanked Enrique for everything and was on my way. After thorough research on hitchwiki and digihitch, I found a hitch-point I liked, and left the apartment to take my spot. I get there, and the spot is pretty dead, on account of it being a Sunday. However, after about 15 minutes, I get a ride.
She wasn’t headed to north to Antwerp, but was leaving town towards the airport. I was eager to take her ride, because, with any hitch, getting out of the city is the hardest part ... and she was hot, so that sealed the deal.
She took me about seven minutes out of town, not quite at the ring, not quite at the E-19. I stood by an onramp (always avoid being on the motorway itself, and most countries prohibit it), sign reading “E-19/Antwerp” (you usually never write your actual destination on your sign if you use one) and after ten minutes or so, a car pulls over. He is going about five minutes on the road, towards the airport. Despite being very friendly and appearing trustworthy, I decline his offer. I like the spot I’m in and am confident of finding a ride further north to Antwerp.
Twenty minutes later, I found one. A Scottish man and his wife, Flemish, were heading North to Antwerp to meet some friends. “I used to do this kind of thing when I was just out of university,” the man told me as we drove along, now merging on to the E-19.
“There’s so many things to do in Antwerp” says the wife, “It’s really a lovely city.” At this point, I start to say that I’m actually headed further north, to Amsterdam, but the husband continues. “Yeah, it’s a lovely city. I got my first hitch out of Antwerp. Lovely, lovely place.” ‘Ok, this will become more difficult,’ I think to myself, but Amsterdam was still my destination. “I’m actually headed to Amsterdam” I reply, feeling somewhat like a spoil sport.
“Oh, you really should see Antwerp,” the wife pleaded with me. I felt like a jerk. “Well, I would like to see Antwerp, I’ve heard its really beautiful ...” I stammer as I’m trying to claw back some respectability from these two strangers I felt the need to impress. “I suppose we could drop him off in front of the Cathedral” the husband reasons. “Yes! That’d be great idea. I’ll just ring [their friends] and tell them we’ll be a couple minutes late” the wife says as she turns around to look at me, “You really must see the Cathedral.” Was this really happening? Was I being guilted into seeing this city?
“You know, what’s also worth a look is the rail station” the husband continues. “Oh yes!” agrees the wife readily, “It took ten years to restore.” The husband chimes back in, “and there’s a zoo as well.” “Hold on,” laughs the wife, “He’s only going to be there one day.” ‘Oh, am I now?!’ I think to myself. I was unaware that I was going to see this city after all; and I guess I was going to, what with my inability to disappoint these people and now a slight desire to see this place.
They drive into the city, and drop me off a block from the Cathedral. I thank them warmly for the ride and they wish me a lovely time seeing the city. I exit the car, backpack on my back, and manically start snapping photos, making sure they could see me doing so. ‘Oh what’s this? A tram?! Wow!’ I mimed with my body until I saw their car drive out of sight. From there, I walk the block to the Cathedral and take a look. I admit, it was quite remarkable. I was quite taken with the Cathedral Flemish architecture and rank it highly among the Cathedrals I’ve seen. I take a bit of a walk towards the rail station, and you what else? Antwerp is lovely too. A very quaint Flemish city, I quite liked its streets and buildings and at this point, I resolve that I might as well see a bit of it. The only question on my mind was, ‘What the fuck am I going to do in Antwerp?’
I stopped into a bar (pretty much all of them were closed – Sunday) and grabbed a beer. More tastes of sweet, Belgian frothiness. I left the bar, took a walk around, saw some shit and angled my path back towards the rail station. On my way there, I realize that I’ve got a decision to make. I can get back on the road and try to hitch the rest of the way to Amsterdam, or I can take a train. I weigh the options in my head and by the time I get to the station, I’ve got my mind made up, I’ll take the train.
I may be ballsy, as maybe an hitchhiker should be, but I wasn’t stupid. Trying to hitch out of Antwerp was stupid. It wouldn’t be dangerous, no, but I was about to attempt to hitch out of a city I know nothing about, on a Sunday when no one was about. I knew that the outcome of that would involve me standing with my thumb out in a horrible spot, spending all day looking for a ride and the spending the night in a hostel. If I took a train, I’d be there in an hour and a half, get a hostel there, and an added bonus was that tickets to Amsterdam from Antwerp were significantly cheaper than tickets from Brussels.
I get on the train, read a couple pages of Woolf, take a nap, and after an hour and a half, I’m there. Amsterdam. I leave the train, aware of my goofy smile, but unable to suppress it, and I feel like a goddamn stud. I’m not sure why I did this, but when I took my first step out of the train station, I cockily say, “bitches” and carry on into the city. Breathe deep, you’re home now.
I’ve been in Amsterdam two days and the thing that has surprised me is its impeccable beauty. Out of all the things you hear about Amsterdam, you hear regrettably few times that the city is a gem. Gorgeous. I’ve been to Venice and Bruges and Prague and have heard everyone rave about their beauty, but I cannot understand why Amsterdam is not mentioned in the same breath.
I’m getting flashbacks from Barcelona regularly here. It feels the same, and its got that ‘I’m here indefinitely’ vibe to it. I look back on how I got here, (because how you got someplace is the best compass for where to go with it) and its kind of funny, but I feel I earned my passage to Amsterdam. A couple thinks I’m this desirable creature of traveller, but so what if I only spent a few hours in Antwerp? It made their day and didn’t fuck up mine. The universe works ... LW